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Nice game!

Thanks for playing


what its like to nap and wake up 19 hours later

Thanks for playing. Fun playthrough. 

(1 edit) (-1)

muahahaha (Game #1)


Great game. I really enjoy it! Waiting new games from you!

I did a video on my channel (Spanish). Hope you like it :)

(1 edit)


ein echt cooles Spiel. Kann ich jedem mal empfehlen es selbst zu spielen.

Von mir bekommt das Spiel einen Daumen nach oben :) 

Bitte schaut euch mal mein Video dazu an und lasst einen Kommentar da :)

Thank you HunterN for making this game and i hope you make another one like this :)


Fantastic horror, had me on edge all the way through. took me a bit to figure out what to do, but that's not a fault of the game and more a statement on my ineptitude

Haha, thanks! In fairness some of it is intentionally vague so I wouldn't blame your ineptitude too much 😂


I did not see that coming with the paintings! Awesome game!



overall definitely a 10/10 i honestly wouldn't change a thing! if you checked it out i appreciate you and i hope you have a dope ahh day regardless!
(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Great video and glad you enjoyed. The hand icon was actually just a picture of my hand that I mega-lowered the resolution on lol


The Portraits story has always scared me bad. Whenever I remember it, whether by seeing it online or having it randomly pop up in my mind, my stomach churns. So this game was set up to terrify me. The creepy atmosphere and lighting, unsettling creaks and groans, color choices, and spine chilling "paintings" made it much worse. The portrait in the bathroom scares the shit outta me (pun intended). The paintings that are chiaroscuro (using stark contrasts of light and dark) look like they are monsters in shadow, waiting to strike. And I think the others having blurry details made them scarier than if they were clear and visible - like you are squinting at something unknown in the dark, making out its vague shape. This game is just very well made, every detail terrifies me. Well done!

Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed

I liked it, it was short and sweet even though I've never read the creepypasta it's based on (or heard about it) I still enjoyed the atmosphere and overall feel of the game, good job, also made a video if you're interested:


Wow! What a great retelling of the creepypasta, definitely worth playing! It was a fun, disturbing and scary experience! You seem to be very good at creating short horror games like this, can't wait to see more! It was the final game I played in this 3 scary games video :)

(This game starts at 26:58)

Thanks for playing! The portraits themselves were all drawn by my friends credited in the credits, the only AI art is the intro/ending backgrounds (the blurry house and the truck in the woods). 

Ah I see!! Very cool, I was impressed the AI art was used there :D Could be a cool challenge to use AI assets in a game... I wish I was skilled enough as a game dev to try that!


I had fun playing this game  Looking forward to see future stuff.




I liked it! Gave me some chills and always love playing games based off creepypasta or other horror type of stories! Liked the effects of the paintings when stuff starts to happen. Good job Hunter!

And did a quick reading of the story after I found it on the menus!
Thank you for including that into the game!

No problem! Thanks for playing


The Portraits [Deutsch/German] #Xel

Wow, good job getting by the monster in the bedroom ha, they're hard to avoid if you get cornered

Spooky and fun!


Here is my compilation vid of all my best bits of the awesome and rather creepy game, please enjoy :)


I really enjoyed this but you left it on a cliffhanger!!! The audio was too notch, best to hear it through headphones. Great job with this game. Here is my video of it, please take a look :)

Great video! Thanks for playing! There are two other monsters you can run into at the end as well and there is a way to find a key to the basement to get a small little bonus bad ending lol

Ohhh really? Wow, ok that's awesome!!


One creepy game. Loved it!


This was really well made! It was genuinely scary because of the noises, the dark and just the unknown of things happening. I think that you took the creepypasta and made it into a really cool horror experience! Would have loved to see more things happen with the portraits but it was still a solid and scary game!

Curto, quando começa a ficar bom, ele acaba. Mas vale a pena

Very sexy game I recommend
Deleted 4 days ago

They do chase you at the end 😅


this game was pretty good definitely one of my favorites. I didn’t really like reading at the beginning it felt like a lot. But then I realized this was inspired by a creepypasta which made it seem a little better. Other than all the reading and the 2D monster that comes after you the game was really good 

Thanks for playing!


I would *love* to see more games with such a unique, interesting visual style. I had not read this creepypasta before so it was very impactful for me. T.T The portraits.. were all horrifying to look at and it was very creepy that continuously looking would hurt me. TAKING AWAY THE MOUSE WAS UNCOOL, TOO SCARY! and of course I *loved* that!!  I played here and leave more commentary, game starts at time linked!


Thanks for your nice words


I really liked the game!! I had forgotten about this creepypasta I liked that you made a game about. You did a great job I really liked everything and how the story was being told, keep it up good work

Gameplay PT-BR


That's the last time I ever go to an AirBNB with low ratings. The food was expired, the power barely worked, and the pictures on the wall turned out to be something way more disturbing! I also couldn't take a dump in peace.


Made a video

This game gave me chills! I had to do my research before playing.
The toilet scene made me very uncomfortable. If I saw them portraits, I know I would leave haha! Here is my gameplay, with my feedback at the end! This was a fun one and I recommend it! 

This was sooo creepy!



Great Game! We won't be staying at any air b&b's anytime soon.

Thanks for playing!

I like the bathroom scene HAHAHAHA! 


very engaging game, although I don't understand much of the story

Amazing.... First game in video.


The portrait stared at me while I was taking a dump. Needless to say, I was very uncomfortable!

Very cool game love the concept and everything. Some of the sounds weren't the best but I don't think it took away from the experience.

Great game, with scary portraits!

I enjoyed the game! I goy two see two.endings, don't know if there is more! I do have a comment in the video about the walking sfx. But over all it was a great story and concept! Thank you for making an interesting game! 

Don't Stare TOO LONG! The Portraits - A Funny Video Horrifying Game

The walking sound was intentional design choice in much the same way lowering resolution of textures and the game itself were intentional to give PSX compression vibes

🤦‍♂️ohhhhhhhh - i feel pretty silly now XD 

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